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Free Food Deployment


April 2020* *Free Food Deployment*

Alhamdulliah - we all got together yesterday with Purpose Of Life Charity and delivered almost 100 hot food parcels courtesy of #Chaiiwala in Batley along with basic essentials to last a week including chick peas, tinned tomatoes, kidney beans, toilet paper etc

As always The A Team did an amazing job, to us it doesn’t matter what the colour your skin is, sex, race, religion or disability - #WeAllAreOne we bleed the same, our tears are the same - we all proud to be British and we believe it’s everyone’s duty to look after the elder, vulnerable and anyone who needs helps.

Please stay home, save our NHS and save lives Volunteers Are Always Needed, Please Text, Whatsapp Or Call Me On 07977 317760 Snapchat 👻 @s5hak God bless you all and we will get through this together ❤ #WeStandTogether #WeAreOne #Britain #ProudToBeBritish #StayHome #Volunteers #SelfFunded #Covid19 #NHS #NHSWorkers #CharityWorkers #NHSStaff #LoveAll #WeAllBleedTheSame #PanicBuying #HelpOthers #Coronavirus #Help #share #ProudAsian #ProudMuslim #ProudBritish


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