Mosque Building
A masjid is the best of places. There is great reward in building a mosque to seek the pleasure of Allah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said ‘’Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise’’ [Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]
Purpose of Life has already built one mosque and has just started another 2 projects! We have already raised funds for mosque 3 however if you want to donate towards mosque 2 please see below
Mosque 2 requires larger praying facilities for worshippers with washing facilities!
Total Cost: £12,000
In District Rawalpindi
Kallar Syedan, Village Pindori
Please help by making a donation.
Acount Name: Purpose of Life
Account Number: 29617668
Sortcode: 30-90-57
Reference: PAK MASJID 2
Or Click the button to make a donation through PayPal
All funds donated will be used solely for the project for which the donation was made. However, if a project is overfunded or there are unforeseen complications then funds will be used for a similar / like for like project.